Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's been a long day - and I got to go home early...

5:37pm, 54 degrees, cloudy
0 Votes
0 %
0 Electoral Votes

0 Votes
0 %
0 Electoral Votes

OK. Yeah. Still no precincts reporting so...you know, look elsewhere for that!

But the crowds and the energy have returned. The A'Dolescents for O'Connell were singing at the top of their lungs..."Vote O'Connell!" (to the tune of "I Want Candy".)

All of the candidates were there, shaking hands, slapping backs and kissing babies.

Thanks for coming out! Hey Freddie! Good to see you! Thanks for voting! Margaret, what a day we have! Thanks for your support!

It was all movement.

Voters trying to get in and out and home for dinner and bath-time with the kids...candidates counting down the hours until the polls close...2 hours and 23 minutes to go...sign holders shifting their weight from foot to foot...mittened hands rubbing together to keep warm...

I have always watched the national political conventions and marveled at the unparalleled geekery of those in attendance. I wonder how on earth people - grown people, some in nice clothing and impressive suits - could get so excited about a guy like George W. Bush. Or even John Kerry. I mean, you and I both know more impressive people.

It's just so weird to see conventioneers put aside their inhibitions and their serious, work-a-day demeanor to gush like little children over these candidates who mostly don't inspire me at all.

I always conclude that they're either deluded, outright stupid or full of shit and I write them off. And with them I guess I sub-conciously wrote off every political dork who actually gets dirty and works for these campaigns. Suckers.

But the people I saw today were putting in their time. Standing on "old man" feet and holding signs with arthritic hands. Shaking hands, helping people get in and out of cars, sharing coffee and snacks.

Even crazy Bob Parkis who was raving about the black hole of money that would be our local library was out there all day long.


So good for them. There's a lot about the system to complain about - a lot of it legitimate. I have always only seen the process bringing out the worst in people but today I saw it bring out some of the best.

I'm feeling pretty good right now. Only Sarah Palin could ruin my mood...


molly said...

awesome posts. you're crazy, but they're awesome. ohhhhhhhbama.

Anonymous said...

Any Nader supporters down your way? My kids voted for Nader, but only b/c Obama was a done deal (835 to 40 in our fair elementary school) and they wanted to see Nader beat McCain.

Anonymous said...

I wore a green shirt today. And honked at the kid holding the Yes on 2 sign on the way home. I startled him.

Tim Foil said...

An historic night for sure.

Not a Nader sign in sight at my polling place Nick...

...and for out-of-staters wondering about our marijuana decriminalization vote, it passed 66% to 34%.

Celebrate as you see fit!