Tuesday, August 5, 2008

And it's been driving me crazy...

After finding those perspective-jogging parking lot images, I was trying to remember something similar but I couldn't quite get it and it was driving me crazy.

Something about art or perspective or chalk drawings...was it chalk? Not chalk but something like...was it sidewalk art?

Hmmm...let's just Google "sidewalk art perspective" and see...

And yes! Craving satisfied! I remember now! I had these images on a work computer from a job about two jobs ago...Now I remember!

The guy is Julian Beever and he is a an English chalk artist who's famous for his art on the sidewalks of England, France, Germany, Australia and Belgium.

His art deforms into incredible "3D perspectives" when viewed from the correct angles. The drawings below (often with Beever posing) are a small sampling of his work.

The image above was shot from the wrong perspective or position. But stand at the right spot and it becomes this!

Yes? Yes!!!

1 comment:

molly said...

HolySMokes! Those are incredible...